MAQS and the all new Formicpro now in stock!!

MAQS and the all new Formicpro now in stock!!

MAQS - the only VMD (Veterinary Medicine Directorate) approved varroa treatment, which may be used during a honey flow, is now in stock.  So, if you are already Supering your hives but need a quick knockdown of the mite numbers in your colonies this is the treatment to use.

The all new Formicpro is also made by Natures Own Design (NOD), the manufacture of MAQS.  This new treatment uses the same active ingredient as MAQS, formic acid, in the same quantity and is used in the same manner.  Formicpro has an extended shelf life of up to 2-years from date of manufacture.  Currently this product is not approved for use during a Honey flow.

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